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zaginiona temperówka
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W dółStrona: 1234
TEMAT: zaginiona temperówka
11 lat(a), 1 MiesiÄ…c temu  

2. Jesli ktos chce podjac sie analizy "trafnosci astrologicznej" przy pomocy statystyki staje od razu na przegranej pozycji bo po prostu ma "wrong tool for a job" [...]3. Astrologia zadaje pytania wlascicielowi horoskopu, ale nie udziela odpowiedziNeptun zawsze przynosi zwatpienie u astrologow "merkurialnych"zaws
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Ostatnio zmieniany: 2013/03/13 12:25 Przez panTo.
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Statystyka; i Bonatti? 11 lat(a), 1 MiesiÄ…c temu  

"1. Kazdy czlowiek niezaleznie czy jest astrologiem czy nie ma szanse "odgadniecia" zdarzenia owych statystycznych 50% - KAZDY"
"Bylo tak dlatego ze horoskopy, ktore Bonacci analizowal byly czasami zadawane przez ludzi mu nieprzychylnych i zawsze zawieraly brak "wiarygodnosci". On w ten sposob bronil sie przed ludzmi ktorzy mu zadawali pytania " w zlej wierze" aby go osmieszyc lub wyszydzic...Byla to jego sprawdzona metoda na horoskopy o "niskiej sprawdzalnosci"."<
Posty: 364
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11 lat(a), 1 MiesiÄ…c temu  

Nie mam niestety czasu , aby przetlumaczyc, ale mysle ze dasz sobie rade i tekst ponizszy rzuci wiecej swiatla na moje "skroty myslowe"..:).Tekst pochodzi z Mountain Astrologer , napisany przez Adriana Duncan Rossa w roku 1998 (skrocilem go znacznie aby przekazac glowny watek).Zgadzam sie z autorem w jego ponizszym wywodzie:

"One of the difficulties about ascertaining truth is to define the yardstick with
which to measure it. Scientists have developed complex systems of measurements that
have enabled them to map out the material world and describe its workings in intricate
detail. Traditionally, there has been a clearly defined division between subject (the
inquiring mind) and object (the outer reality). Although the belief system of science is no more than a working hypothesis under constant revision, it has functioned well.
However, as science in the 20th century examines extreme states in the material world
? subatomic particles and phenomena in the deepest reaches of space ? the
subject?object division is beginning to be undermined. On a simple level, a researcher
intent on a particular pursuit will automatically make choices that favor an intended
result. And on a more subtle level, such as in the subatomic world, the actual intention of the researcher can be scientifically shown to affect the outcome of the research. This means that modern science has now become aware that it must take the condition of the subject into account when measuring reality.[?]
The more people who embrace a belief system, the more power it has. That is
why preaching was such an important part of the Christian religion. That is why
defenders of the scientific model, like the English professor Richard Dawkins and the
late American astronomer Carl Sagan, have invested so much energy defending the
tenets of scientific belief and doing their utmost to discredit what they regard as the
superstition of astrology. They understand that the real battle for truth is in winning the hearts and minds of the people. Fighting for beliefs is essential to maintaining power and influence.[?]
For astrologers, the desire to defend their beliefs is natural, though often
misguided. Personal identity is often inextricably connected to the beliefs one embraces, and arguments are consequently infused with emotion, because a defense of beliefs often constitutes a defense of personal identity. It is normally the case that people cling to their beliefs during the whole of their adult lives, especially if their work is centered around them. In the last analysis, great changes in thinking occur as old proponents of ideas lose influence and die ? and proponents of new ideas come into prominence.[?]
Astrologers ? and indeed, everyone else ? create a world around them that
reflects their methods of seeing the world. And the world responds intelligently. Events unfold in discrete harmony with the beliefs and conceptions of the observer. It is in the nature of things that events normally confirm convictions. Where the scientific approach to the consultation might see the client as the object, the nonduality approach sees the sensory and intellectual interaction of the astrologer and client as a unified field which affects each individual equally. And in this unified field, where consciousness focuses its attention on events, meaning arises. Therefore, objectifying astrology by trying to prove it removes the observer from the very field of consciousness in which astrology works so effectively. Conventional scientific methods may be effective at quantifying the stationary observable universe, but in the mysterious and invisible universe of consciousness ? a world that has its parallels in the field of quantum mechanics ? the concepts of relativity and paradox come into their own."

Jesli chodzi o moje pozostale stwierdzenia to oczywiscie kazde z nich nalezy traktowac jako moj wylaczny punkt widzenia i otwarcie pola do dyskusji...Zapewne kazdy traktuje astrologie na swoj sposob i ma z nia swoje indywidualne doswiadczenia.
Staram sie ( czasami moze zbyt "prowokacyjnie" ) poruszyc ciekawe tematy na tym forum , ktore sa zawsze obecne w dyskusjach astrologow...


PS. Mountain Astrologer to ciekawe pismo wydawane w USA. Oto ich strona:

Posty: 16
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Ostatnio zmieniany: 2013/03/14 03:06 Przez jaklu.
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Re: Statystyka; i Bonatti? 11 lat(a), 1 MiesiÄ…c temu  
Bona - :)

Cytowac nie bede , aby niepotrzebnie nie zapychac serwera. Oto co moge rzec:

1. Statystyka nie posluguje sie wyobraznia , ale wzorami probabilistycznymi , a ze wzorami sie nie dyskutuje. (nie mam pojecia czy noworodek lub katatonik moglby wiedziec cos na temat podstaw statystyki matematycznej, ale to raczej problem semantyki niz rzeczywistej dyskusji na rzucony temat..).

2. Co do pozostalych pytan, nalezy je skierowac do Bonattiego, a nie do mnie , ale mysle ze Ci chyba nie odpowie..:)) - (nie mam zielonego pojecia o jakich testach piszesz , ale domyslam sie ze to chyba ciekawa metoda badawcza...)

3. Czy Bonatti znal statystyke na poziomie XX wieku to raczej sie nie wypowiem , ale mysle ze cytuja go astrolodzy zbyt czesto aby mozna go bylo zbyc milczeniem..

Posty: 16
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Cyrypka :) 11 lat(a), 1 MiesiÄ…c temu  
Posty: 364
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Płeć: Kobieta
Ostatnio zmieniany: 2013/03/14 14:26 Przez Bona.
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11 lat(a), 1 MiesiÄ…c temu  
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11 lat(a), 1 MiesiÄ…c temu  

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